The “F” Word(s)

The letter “F” has an unfortunate and inseparable relationship with one particular four-letter word in western culture. We all know this word. Not all of us may say it (at least not out loud), but if we are honest we have at least expressed its sentiments during a moment of extreme emotion that falls on one end or the other of the spectrum of emotions.  The letter F’s simple association with this vulgar slang word has essentially rendered the sixth letter of our alphabet as just that—vulgar slang.

But here in lies my struggle. Many aspects of my life, especially the ones that I most cherish, start with the letter “F,” or they phonetically start with the same sound as the letter “F.”







(F)ysical Therapy





And yesterday we celebrated the end of a two-year-long “F” word that led our family to the city where we currently live, has unrelentingly dictated our social and family calendar week in and week out, and demanded time, energy, and sacrifice from everyone in our home. But this “F” word has also afforded my husband the opportunity to achieve his career goal! Last night, we paused in the midst of the work to celebrate my sweet husband completing his fellowship training.

But rather than allowing fear of what the next chapter of this journey will entail—moving to a new city, sending our children to a new school, building new friendships, cultivating new community, starting a post-training job, experiencing marriage and parenting within the context of a different schedule—we chose to simply celebrate.

We chose gratitude for this challenge and gift of Fellowship. A two-year-long journey that has been and still is met with the extremes of all the emotions, which at a minimum has on occasion garnered the sentiments of one particular vulgar slang word. But I now add this “F” word to my growing list of cherished life aspects that add depth of understanding to who I am and who God is.

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