
Faithful: adjective / faith-ful / fāTHfel /

  1. loyal, constant, and steadfast.

synonyms: true, devoted, true-hearted, unwavering, staunch, dedicated, committed

  1. True to the facts of the original

synonyms: accurate, precise, exact, errorless, error-free, true, resolute

This is my chosen word for 2019. My hope is that I might live in faith, a faith that is a gift from God and a faith that is fueled by His mercy. This faith allows for both my successes and failures to direct and redirect my path as He sovereignly unfolds my role in His story and as he reveals where He is calling me to participate in His Kingdom work. Because as much as I desire to be the central character in the story of my life, the reality is that not only am I NOT the main character I am also NOT the author. I AM, however, most certainly an active participant. I am simply not in control.

My prayer is that I will be equipped by, in, and through the Spirit to be faithful throughout this next year.

That I will be loyal, constant, and steadfast.

That I will hold true to the Truth.

That I will seek to be an original—to be the woman that God created me to be and the woman He is calling me to become.

That I will trust Him as He gently transforms and restores me to be a more accurate reflection of Him.

And finally that I will learn to trust Him in this process. Trust even when I doubt. Trust even when I am afraid. Trust even when I experience loneliness. Trust even when I give way to selfishness or resentment or bitterness or pride. Trust even when I don’t believe that He is good.

So, as unpopular as it may be in today’s culture, my hope is that 2019 will involve less of me.


Less of pursuing MY desires.

Less of chasing MY dreams.

Less of insisting on MY demands.

Less of using MY definitions.


Simply less of ME and more of HIM.

He is faithful. And He will equip me to be faithful too.

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